The Original "Heat-and-Bond" Veneer Glue
Heat Lock™ is the woodworker's solution for small or irregularly shaped veneering projects. Designed specifically for iron-on veneering, this adhesive bonds raw and paper-backed veneers to porous substrates such as wood, plywood, MDF, and particle board with an ordinary household clothes iron.
Simplified Instructions:
Simply apply a uniform coat to the substrate and the back side of the veneer. The substrate and veneer must be porous. Allow both pieces to dry. Then place the veneer onto the substrate and use a clothes iron (set on medium/high or the cotton setting) to "re-activate" the adhesive polymers. Place an old cotton or flannel shirt over the veneer face to prevent scorching, and then begin ironing from the center and work toward the ends of the veneer along the grain. It is best to avoid moving the iron across the grain.
Apply even downward pressure giving the full veneer area ample time to heat up, reactivate, and bond. Be sure to keep the iron moving at all times. Allow an additional 1 to 3 hours for full bond strength. It's never been so easy to iron-on a veneer!
Detailed Instructions: Click here
Safety Data Sheet: Click here
Freeze Protection Information: Click here for details before ordering
Typical Heat Lock™ Projects
What should I know about Heat Lock?
Heat Lock takes only a small amount of practice to master. I recommend experimenting with veneer scraps before tackling your first project. Be sure to keep the iron moving at all times and, of course, be careful to avoid burning yourself. A cotton or flannel tee shirt between the veneer face and the iron will prevent the veneer from scorching. Book-matching or any other veneer seaming technique can be difficult with Heat Lock due to the method of application. More information about this can be found further down in this list of questions and answers.
Can I use yellow glue for iron-on veneer as well?
There are many websites that say you can use yellow glue for iron-on veneering. I find it so disheartening that anyone would deceive their audience, but it seems to be common on the internet these days. They make a 60 second video, post it on YouTube, and now they are an "expert" who mislead hundreds or maybe housands of people. What a shame. While you can use a clothes iron to re-activate yellow glue, the one thing you don't see in those tutorials is what happens one season later when the ambient humidity changes and the wood cells in the veneer shrink or expand. When this happens, the yellow glue lets the veneer move. This is often called "cold creep". Yellow glue can allow the veneer edges to lift and the center parts of the veneer either crack or bubble depending on the direction of the humidity change. Heat Lock glue dries much harder so the cold creep simply does not happen.
How do I apply Heat Lock?
A glue roller is the most ideal tool for spreading this adhesive. Please click here to learn more.
Should I seal the substrate surface before applying Heat Lock?
No. Like all water-based adhesives, Heat Lock only bond to a porous surface. A sealer will prevent Heat Lock was getting a "bite" on the substrate.
To what kind of surfaces will Heat Lock bond?
Heat Lock will work with a variety of substrate materials such as wood, plywood, MDF and particle board if the surface is porous. Some substrates can be made more porous by scuff sanding with 80 grit sandpaper. You can test the porosity of the substrate by placing a few drops of water on the substrate. If the water is not quickly absorbed by the substrate, you may find that the Heat Lock glue will not work. Surfaces top coated with shellac, lacquer, or polyurethane (all of which make surfaces non-porous) will not bond with Heat Lock.
Will Heat Lock work on large projects?
This adhesive is designed for small and medium size projects. It will work on large projects, but doing so requires a lot of time and effort to iron the large surface area. Vacuum pressing with a cold press adhesive is ideal for larger projects, or instead consider using paper-backed veneer and contact cement.
What wood species does this glue work with?
We have tested Heat Lock with 60 different species of wood and achieved excellent results on nearly all of them. Even oily woods like teak respond well to Heat Lock. The only veneers with some issues are bubinga, figured mahogany, maple and sycamore.
What kind of wood grains are compatible with Heat Lock?
Do not use this adhesive on crotch grain veneers since the extremely dense wood cells in this type of veneer do not respond well to heat. Burl veneer might be the best grain with Heat Lock. The interlocking and non-directional grain pattern in a burl typically allows the wood cells to respond to a bit of heat without splitting or cracking. Quilted, curly, bird's eye, and flat cut grain veneer can be spritzed with a light coat of veneer softener (immediately before ironing) to minimize splitting near the edges. If softener is applied to the veneer, do the ironing process in a well-ventilated area.
Why are crotch grain veneers not suitable for use with Heat Lock?
Crotch grain veneers do not like changes in moisture content. These changes occur through the addition of moisture from the glue and the fast removal of moisture from the heat of the iron. Also, crotch veneers have a lot of "strength" in their ability to expand and contract even after the glue has dried which can cause cracking and "crazing". For this reason, even cold press glues are typically not suitable for crotch veneers; a rigid-setting adhesive such as Ultra-CAT is the key to success.
Is Heat Lock moisture and heat resistant?
This adhesive is largely unaffected by occasional exposure to moisture if the veneer was properly bonded. To the best of our knowledge, Heat Lock can withstand up to 170° F after it has fully cured.
What filler can I use if my project surface has gouges in it?
Wood fillers typically create a non-porous surface. The problem is that water-based adhesives do not bond very well to non-porous surfaces. When the filler area was minimal, I've had success with both Bondo and with Elmer's "Stainable" wood filler. I've also had success with Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty on somewhat larger substrate defects. Be sure to scuff sand the filled areas with 60 or 80 grit paper to get maximum bond strength.
What is the shelf life of Heat Lock?
If stored in a cool (but not cold) and dry location, the shelf life is 12 months.
Do I have to apply the adhesive to the veneer and to the substrate?
Yes. The adhesive will not bond correctly if the adhesive is not on both surfaces.
Can I use this glue even if it is beyond the shelf life?
That is a risk that you have to be willing to take. I would not recommend it and I would not use an expired adhesive for my veneer projects. Typically there are no visual indicators that a glue has exceeded the shelf life and is not suitable for use.
What tools do I need to use Heat Lock?
In addition to veneer, substrate material and the HL adhesive , you'll need a clothes iron, glue roller, and a small piece of cotton or flannel cloth. You may also find it helpful to have masking tape available.
Do I need to do a practice sheet first?
Yes! Absolutely yes! It’s always a good idea to do a test panel with some scrap before you begin the main project.
Will Heat Lock work on thicker veneers?
This adhesive is not suitable for veneers over 1/42". We suggest Ultra-CAT™ adhesive for use with thick veneers.
Will Heat Lock work on plastic laminate?
Like all water-based adhesives, Heat Lock will not bond to a non-porous surface such a plastic laminate.
Can I apply a veneer over top of another veneer?
It is almost never a good idea to apply veneer over another veneer. The best practice is to remove the old veneer first. Keep in mind that you need to get down to a porous surface since water-based glue will not bond to a non-porous surface such as one that previously had glue applied.
How much heat is needed to bond a veneer with Heat Lock?
Bonding is best done with the clothes iron on set to medium/high. On some irons, this will be the "cotton" setting.
Should I enable the steam setting on the iron?
Can I use Heat Lock for seaming two or more veneers together?
Book-matching or any other veneer seaming technique can be very difficult with Heat Lock™ due to veneer shrinkage from the heat of the iron. However, there is a possible "work-around" for the problem. To solve the shrinking problem, you can place a straight piece of clothes hanger wire about 2" away from the seam. Then iron down the seam and a good portion of the veneer on the other side of the hanger wire. Next, pull the clothes hanger wire out and iron down the bubble that it left behind. This will help to force the seam tight. This technique requires a bit of practice, but it does work well once you get an idea of how much shrinking will occur from the iron.
Do I have to move the clothes iron in a certain direction when applying the veneer to the substrate?
It's best to move the iron in the direction of the grain. Generally speaking, it is not advisable to move the iron across the grain. Burl veneers often do not have a grain direction so the iron can be used in any direction.
Should I use veneer softener when ironing the veneer?
In many cases, yes. Veneer softener makes wood cells pliable and allows them contract and expand without separating and thereby causing a split.
Is it ok if the veneer is wavy or rippled before I apply Heat Lock?
The veneer should first be flattened with veneer softener and allowed to fully dry before applying this adhesive.
Will this adhesive work with paper-backed and two ply veneers?
Heat Lock will work very well with paper-backed veneers if the backing is first scuff sanded with 80 or 100 grit sandpaper. However, two-ply veneers have a tendency to be problematic because the extra layer of wood on the back of the veneer insulates the glue line from the heat of the iron and therefore, this product is not recommended.
Can I cut small strips of veneer to make custom edge banding?
Yes! Heat Lock is great for edge banding. It is often best to apply the banding before the veneer is applied to the top of the panel.
Should I veneer both sides of the panel?
Most panels will warp if both sides are not veneered. This is a phenomenon that affects all forms of veneering including vacuum press work.
Can I use Heat Lock to repair a piece of damage or lifted veneer?
Veneer has a tendency to shrink from the heat of the clothes iron which will leave a gap between the edge of the damaged/delaminated veneer and the edge of the original veneer. In this case, the best option is to use BetterBond X-Press veneer glue and place some weight on top of the delaminated veneer while it cures.
My project is fairly large. How much coverage can I expect from a pint?
A pint size bottle of Heat Lock will cover approximately 20 square feet of veneer and 20 square feet of substrate material.
When I applied the adhesive, my veneer started to curl up. What should I do?
Before applying Heat Lock, it is best to tape down the edges of the veneer to a piece of cardboard. Leave the veneer taped down until the glue is set and the panel is ready to be heated.
How soon can I use the panel after it has been veneered?
It's best to let the adhesive fully harden before staining/finishing the veneered surface. This normally takes a few hours.
What is the maximum time between when Heat-Lock is applied to the substrate and when it is ironed on?
Generally speaking, you have no more than 6 hours to use the veneer once the adhesive is applied. This can vary from one species to another and it also depends on the shop humidity and temperature.
What kind of finishes can be used on a project that has been veneered using this adhesive?
Since Heat Lock cures hard, you can use shellac as well as water-based, oil-based, lacquer-based, and alkyd-based stains and top coats. Do not flood the surface with the first coat of finish. Apply a light coat and allow it to dry. Then proceed with heavier coats of finish as needed.
Can I use a water-based stain and/or topcoat with Heat Lock?
If the bond is strong between the substrate and veneer. A water-based finish should be no problem. Once the Heat Lock glue is dry, water will not affect the bond strength. However, if the bond is not adequate (caused by lack of glue or heat), a water-based finish can cause bubbling since wood cells expand with water. If you must use a water-based finish, allow the panel to cool down from the ironing process and then lightly spritz the entire project with water. If the bond is poor, the water will cause any loose or poorly adhered areas to bubble up. You can sometimes reheat the panel within 24 hours of application and get the glue to re-stick and the bubbles to disappear.
Can Heat Lock be used for marquetry projects?
It's probably not a great idea. The heat from the iron can cause the veneers to shrink which could allow gaps to form between the pieces.
My veneered panel has some bubbled areas on it. What should I do?
Bubbles are caused by poor adhesion between the veneer and the substrate. This often occurs when an inadequate amount of adhesive is used on the veneer and substrate. To avoid this, it is highly recommended that a dedicated glue roller is used to apply the adhesive. Bubbles can also be caused by lack of heat from the iron. It is important to work slowly and methodically when applying the heat to the veneered panel.
To fix a problem area, cut a fine slit into the bubble and inject a bit of Heat Lock inside. Allow it to set up for several minutes and then iron down the imperfection. If your panel already has a finish applied, you will not be able to use heat to re-activate the bond. After 24 hours, the cross-linking polymers in Heat Lock have fully set up and are much less re-activatable with heat. In this case, use this process to flatten the bubbles:
After my project is veneered with Heat Lock, can I reactivate the glue area to remove a veneer?
The cross-linking polymers in Heat Lock (which are what makes it so durable) start to set up within a few hours after the veneered panel has dried. Once this happens, the glue is not nearly as re-activatable with heat. While I suspect a clothes iron can create enough heat to allow removal, I doubt most pieces of veneer could withstand that much intense heat and would not come off cleanly.
Can Heat Lock be removed from a substrate if I want to change the veneer?
When used carefully, a heat gun and a sharp-edged putty knife can often be used to remove most of the Heat Lock adhesive from a panel.
Can I use Heat Lock to bond PVC edge banding?
Heat Lock only works on porous surfaces. Since PVC is not porous, it will not work.
Can I use the Heat Lock glue in a heated dry press?
Yes. If you have access to this type of press, Heat Lock can be used. We have been told by Heat Lock users that 150-180° for seven minutes works very well.
Is Heat Lock freeze/thaw stable?
This adhesive is not usable if it is allowed to freeze. Once frozen, it turns to a solid lump of rubber.
Can I remove a veneer applied with Heat Lock and apply another coat of this adhesive for a replacement veneer?
Like all water based adhesives, Heat Lock requires a porous surface to make a bond. You will need to sand off the old veneer and the layer of Heat Lock. The substrate surface must be porous (I can't stress this enough) so this may require very coarse sanding to get below the surface of the first coat of adhesive.
Is there a way to remove excess glue from the veneer?
Glue that has cured on the outside face of the veneer can be removed with Minwax Antique Furniture Refinisher. Apply it conservatively and will soften it up and allow you to remove the adhesive with a scraper.
Where can I find a chart that shows all of the Better Bond veneer glue differences?
This downloadable adhesive chart shows all of key points about each of the Better Bond veneer adhesives and may be helpful when choosing a glue for your next veneering project.
Do you have any videos of the product being applied?
Heat Lock is very easy to use and the instructions provided with the glue are easy to follow, so a video is not needed.
Review by Dominic Palarchio
It was my first time veneering and this glue worked like a charm. It was the most economical option for a one off project. I thought I could get away without the super soft, glue roller, and downcut flush trim bit, but I would buy them both if another project comes up. I used a ski waxing iron and linen over the veneer. Everything adhered flawlessly.
Review by Michelle Lee Silvermane
I will never go back to any other type of veneer glue. This is the best stuff I have ever used. I bought a small bottle two years ago just to test it and none of those projects have delaminated. When I decided to do an all cherry and veneered door kitchen, this was the only veneer glue I considered.
Review by Dave Nelsen
First time applying paper backed veneer to anything. I was able to move the veneer and reposition with the dried glue in place. I was hesitant to use other methods because once you position it, it's stuck. I did have an issue with my cabinet holding the glue properly. I sent in an email and got a response later that day that worked perfectly. Very helpful customer service. I will always use this product in the future.
Review by Michael Prebish
The glue arrived in its cold protection packaging and was just cool to the touch so it did not freeze despite our local temps in the mid twenties. After waiting a day for the glue to get to room temps, I tried it out. The product was easy to apply and worked great. My first attempt using a heat reactive glue short of iron on banding and it was just as easy!
Review by Logan Vincent
This stuff is great. I recently used it to bond a piece of MDF to white oak veneer. It worked great and my veneer looks really good with no wrinkles.
Follow the instructions they give and it should work well. It does take a bit of time to tack up before applying, so make sure to account for that. You might need more than you expect, so my advice is to buy a big container so you can apply liberally and not run out. I had to send out for another container when I ran out. The larger ones are better value anyway.
I do recommend pre-ironing the veneer like the instructions say so it doesn't result in flaking when it cools down. Buy a cheap glue roller because it makes applying much easier, faster and wastes less glue.
This makes gluing veneer easy work and I will likely use this for most projects now.
Review by Sarah Stahl
As a veneer novice, the thought of re-veneering an entire Stonehill Drinks Cabinet, with its daunting curved edges, doors, and drawers, seemed like a distant dream. But then I discovered Better Bond Heat-Lock Veneer Glue and its companion, the veneer softener, through Joe Woodworker. These products transformed what felt like an impossible project into an achievable adventure.
Residing in The Netherlands, I was initially concerned about the logistics of getting these products overseas. Joe, however, was incredibly transparent and proactive about the potential shipping challenges. To my delight, not only did the order arrive swiftly in the summer, but Joe also managed to find a more cost-effective shipping solution. This level of customer service alone deserves five stars!
Now, let's talk about the glue itself. To say it exceeded my expectations would be an understatement. As a beginner, I was able to re-veneer the entire cabinet, a testament to the product's efficacy and ease of use. Of course, it required a bit of practice, but the real test came with the concave curve on the doors, where my iron struggled to fit. Here, patience was key, and Better Bond Heat-Lock didn't let me down.
So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced refinisher, I highly recommend giving Better Bond Heat-Lock a try for your next veneer project. It might just be the game-changer you're looking for.
Review by Matthew Nevels
This was my first veneering project and I was quite nervous about getting things right. Heat Lock was recommended on several forums and it seemed accessible to someone new to veneering. I was unsure exactly how thick to spread it and how long to iron it so I tried with a small sample and found that it was easy to tell when there was enough glue and by pulling up gently on the edges I could tell when it always well adhered. From there my project went very well. I would have messed things up had I used contact cement for sure, Heat Lock made positioning large pieces of veneer so easy. I love the final outcome - I have no issues with internal voids or edges coming up. I will definitely use this again for future projects.
Review by Lee White
Heat-Lock is an excellent veneer adhesive.Works as advertised. I am a beginner and this product made my project easy to complete. I would recommend this product to anyone doing a similar project. Everything arrived on time and was packaged safely.
Review by Kim Hanna
I never veneered before. I was trying to save an old oak table from my mother's garage that was about 100 years old. Just the top surface was in not so great condition. Sanding it didn't seem to work well as there were too many deep scratches in it. I picked a veneer from Veneer Supplies and bought the Heat Lock. I followed the directions exactly and did the veneering process in my home basement. No odors at all, no mess. Use the suggested tools for the process. Specifically the roller and the veneer scraper. The results were amazing. Thank you for your instructions and selling these items. Everything I needed came from Veneer Supplies. It's so nice to buy these items from such a great company. I wouldn't go anywhere else form next project.
Review by Yu Kitamura
After the extensive research for my first re-veneering project on vintage JBL L26 speakers, I decided to try this product because of the high reviews here and there.
First of all, the shipping was absolutely brilliant. I placed my order on Sunday and it was shipped on Monday morning then arrived on Tuesday (to NY.) It came with the paper instructions, which I also find very nice.
I didn't remove the old veneers from the speakers but carefully sanded with 120 grid as well as I made sure that the corners were all square by applying Bondo product. My new veneer was paper backed one.
For someone who hasn't done any veneering before, just like me, the most tricky part might be how much glue should be applied in order to cover the entire surface evenly. It took me one test to figure this out. The tip is to apply a good amount of glue, not too little. If you see the glue lines from the tube remain on the surface after rolling them, it means too little. If this happens, you can always apply the 2nd coat. I also ordered the glue roller which turned out definitely must to achieve it. So I strongly recommend to get the roller (like it says here, it's totally reusable too)
Once you have done the process above right, the rest is very easy. Regular iron, cotton cloth in between and ironing from the center as suggested. By simply following the instruction, I didn't get any single bubbles and the adhesion was very strong. I am really happy with the results, the straightforward processes and the great customer service here. Thank you!
Review by Scott Wetterhall
The glue works very well. I'm making 16 7"x21" panels for use on a chest of drawers. The butternut veneer and backing veneer I purchased from this site bonds securely. Butternut is used to offset the color and grain of the white oak I'm using for the chest skeleton.
This the only site I use for veneers and supplies. Great service and product. I fully recommend this website to others.
Review by Thomas Stephenson
First time and I'm amazed at how easy this stuff is to use. I'll be trying it out on a curved project next. It opens up veneering possibilities that were just out of reach before. Give it a try.
Review by Jerry Miller
I recently used this glue to attach a walnut burl veneer to a substrate. I have never used a "heat activated" glue before. It was surprisingly easy to work with, and so far it has held superbly. Cleanup was easy with just warm water, even though both water and soap is advised. I used it on a bullnose piece and it adhered to the veneer instantly upon applying the heat. I would recommend it to experts and beginners alike.
Review by Rachel Hoffman
It's a great glue to use if you don't want to get out the vacuum bag for a small to medium project. The instructions are there to help you, make sure to use them throughout the first process.
Review by Stan Traas
I had excellent results bonding some very gnarly veneer to MDF with no vacuum press. There were some shipping challenges due to unseasonably cold weather and Joe contacted me to let me know he would delay shipping until confident that freeze protection would work. Superb service from a business that does [care] about their customers!
Review by Michael Beck
This product works very well. I had never used veneer before, I jumped in the deep end with this project. Three speaker enclosures, and they weren't small. I learned with mdf that the ends would soak-up the glue a lot and needed a second coat. Wish I could attach a picture, they came out great!
Review by Mark Joiner
When applied and used correctly, this stuff is amazingly strong. I had a dickens of a time removing a poorly-positioned piece of veneer, as this glue just didn't want to let go! Highly recommended.
Review by Alan Harp
It's a great glue for doing iron on veneering process. Dries pretty quickly so you can start the ironing process in just a few minutes. Definitely would buy and use again.
[Note from Joe: The glue must be allowed to dry before ironing and in most cases, this takes longer than a few minutes.]
Review by Seth Morgulas
Fantastic veneer glue. I use a wide plastic scraper to spread and then follow with a glue roller to get even coverage. Works perfectly with great adhesion, easy cleanup, and fast drying time. I use this every time on parts that are not suitable for cold press.
Review by Ian Webster
First time using this product - I've only ever (once) used a PSA paper backed veneer before. Watched a couple of youtube videos then went for it. Extremely satisfied with the results.
Review by Richard Purzer
Stuff is incredible. I applied it according to manufacturer's instructions, only to discover that my clothes iron had stopped working. So a full three days later, my tester veneer samples had all curled up, but a spritz of veneer softener, a new iron set to 193 degrees, and they unrolled and adhered perfectly to their plywood substrates. Just to see what would happen I ran the samples through my table saw with a crosscut blade, and the veneers cut perfectly, not a chip or failure to adhere anywhere. Despite a 3-day delay between applying the glue and heat-activating it. And letting my veneer samples get all curled into tubes as the glue dried. So, perfect performance despite not following any of the manufacturer's instructions.
[Note from Joe: Though I very much appreciate this customer's review, I am worried about the panels he made. Heat Lock has some cross-linking polymers that "lock" together after 24 hours. The bond strength is exceptional when that happens, but polymers do not unlock with heat after the 24 hours window, so the bond would not be very strong on his panels. I was hesitant to allow this review here because bonding the veneer after three days is just asking for trouble.]
Review by Julie Justham
It was easy to us. The instructions were detailed. I restore vintage trailers and need to veneer cabinet faces. I'm in AZ so the cabinets sit in the hot sun and contact cement didn't always give great results on larger pieces. I used this on a large cabinet for a curved corner. Due to an unexpected windstorm the cabinet blew over and collapsed but the veneer held strong.
Review by Robert Wexler
This stuff is the real deal, a game changer actually. Wish we had a local supplier in Canada, but you guys do a great job with shipping so thank you.
Review by Daniel Valverde
I can’t tell how different it is than yellow glue other than having a raw wood-compatible coloring, but it goes on easy and behaves well. Definitely use the veneer glue roller, and buy it here—you won’t find it elsewhere. Just make sure you order it at the same time as all your other veneer supplies—shipping is super fast, but very expensive for small items.
[Note from Joe: The shipping cost is whatever the carrier charges us. We don't make a penny from shipping. We have negotiated a discount with the carriers and we pass that savings on to our customers to help reduce shipping costs.]
Review by Riad Miah
This product was excellent for glueing down veneer I purchased from Veneer Supplies. The product is very easy to work with and does the job it is suppose to do. I decided to build a guitar from a kit. I wanted a good looking veneer on the front and back of the instrument. After purchasing the product I became aprehensive about using it because I never worked with it. For a first time use it was super easy to work with if you follow the directions. I used this product in combination with Super-Soft Veneer Softener and it work like a charm. The veneer sits tightly to the body of the guitar and does not show and glue or imperfections from the process. I used a foam roller to spred a thin layer of glue on both surfaces. I would use this product again without giving it a second thought.
Review by David Pisani
I'm veneering in place on pre-existing recessed panels in a bay window surround. Heat-Lock worked very well, even overhead! Easy to apply the product, it is viscous enough to prevent drips from the overhead and very good adhesion when heat is applied.
[Note from Joe: I do not recommend applying veneer on over-head surfaces, but I'm glad it worked for David.]
Review by Jeff Champlin
This stuff works well. Highly recommended. Just order more than you think you will need. Works great on the paper backed veneer. Used with quartersawn white oak.
Review by Bob Lufburrow
I am new to veneering, followed the lead of Joe's website and used both the X-Press and Heat Lock Glues and they worked absolutely perfect - and that veneer glue roller is an excellent $12 investment as well!!!!
Review by Jim Patterson
I've had two prior experiences with veneer. With the first I used a well reviewed spray-on adhesive. Ruined the veneer. The second I used good old fashioned contact adhesive. Stuck great except I got a wrinkle in the veneer. Ruined that one too. On Joe's advice I bought this product. It came with a very clear and easy to follow instruction sheet. Wow! What a difference! This stuff is gold for beginner types like me. The only downside is I have to buy a new iron for my wife. I'm keeping the old one.
Review by Ed Gillott
Without a vacuum press and needing to veneer a curved surface (with birdseye maple), I tried the Heat Lock glue. It was great! Good solid bond, pretty easy to use if you follow the directions. Have since used it some more, always with good results. I did need to pre-heat some grainy walnut and make sure to not use too much heat (else some small splits develop as on my test piece). But I’m certainly going to keep using this system.
And Joe is great to deal with. And his veneers are wonderful - high quality and exactly as described.
Review by Thomas Klotz
I had issues with my burl veneer cracking when I didn't pre-iron the veneer. Follow the directions and practice on a test piece! I would also recommend the glue roller on the site which provides a nice, even coat.
Review by Andrew Erard
Product shipped the next day, the packaging was outstanding. Instructions on how to use this product was included in packaging and were very easy to follow. No caustic fumes like contact cement and a very strong bond. This was my first time doing a veneer job and the project turned out awesome. Couldn't be happier with the whole process. Communication was hands-down the best I've ever received from any online purchase.
Review by Jason Berryhill
Performs as advertised. Applies easily - especially with the veneer glue roller we purchased. We opted for the cold weather delivery and the packaging was professional and effective. Really appreciate doing business with Veneer Supplies.
Review by Mark Hickler
This product solved a major problem. I build banjos and have to put veneers on the curved surface of a banjo rim. With contact cement it is too easy to make a mistake. With Heat Lock I can line everything up and then use heat and pressure. Fabulous!
Review by Ryan Kent
Great glue for all jobs big and small. It is really easy to use and I didn't feel rushed to complete like when using other glues. Can't speak for durability yet, but appears to be strong.
Review by Calvin Mathes
Easy to use and awesome results. For anyone that does not have a vacuum press and wants to take their project to the next level with exotics or burls. This is my 4th bottle and I highly recommended it.
Review by Richard Reid
Why didn't I try this first. Heat Lock is the last glue I've tried. I wish I would have started with it. I've tried many different veneer companies, Veneer Supplies has given me the best results. Always personable, helpful and expedient.
Review by Dennis Glass
This is good stuff! Clear directions and easy to use. I glued some zebrawood veneer to walnut and let it set until the next day. When I tried to remove the veneer it was evident how well it works!
Review by Sean Lambkin
As a professional furniture maker, what I use this for is primarily edging. I do a lot of custom veneering in woods that doesn't come standard as "edge banding". Also, many of the edges that I use this product for are over 3/4". The project I'm working on now has an 8" seamless edge. It works fantastic for surfaces that you can't put in your veneer press first. You "can" seam long veneer joints with this, but it takes quite a bit of practice as the veneer shrinks unevenly as it is ironed. I would trust this product over pre-glued iron on veneer edge tape. Period. That stuff only lasts a few years before it starts to peal off. Seen in happen many times.
Review by Bob Singleton
The Heat Lock veneer adhesive was the answer for my entryway wall. I’d tried using carpenter’s glue. The veneer came loose when I put on the sanding sealer. The Heat Lock kept its seal and after staining and applying lacquer the veneer I fixed looks just like the other 100 year old pieces that surround it.
Review by Michael Minton
This stuff is great. It is incredibly easy to use and to clean up. Be careful not to overheat veneer because it will shrink. Also, use dowels or a piece of paper as you are aligning, because even when "dry" the pieces might stick.
Review by James Good
Really great product. Makes raw wood veneering stupid easy with a roller and a veneer saw. Perfect for veneering MDF speaker cabinets. Nice sharp edges.
Review by Chuck January
My first time using Heat-Lock has made me a believer. It worked flawlessly and will be my go-to adhesive for future veneering projects. Veneer Supplies for wonderful to deal with. Very prompt and attentive.
Review by Dan Hardin
I'm an amateur who veneers vintage Hi-Fi speakers and turntables, and don't own a vacuum set up. After several failures with cold press glue - panels loaded up with clamps and 300# of ballast would still bubble and curl - I gave hot press a chance. Voila, not only do I have a bunch of success stories now on appearance, the hot glues process is much quicker. I can complete most projects in a day, instead of day(s).
Review by Philip Gruppuso
This glue functioned exactly as described on the website. It's wonderful! I was able to veneer curved surfaces without a hitch. I'm sure the result was better than I could have achieved with regular PVA glue.
Review by David McMichael
Applied one coat of glue to substrate and veneer as directed using a glue roller. Let it dry to the touch and ironed it on with my iron set to 5/6 and used a single layer of t-shirt cloth to iron through. I think it turned out excellently, though I don't have any other application methods to compare it to. The project is only about a month old now but for what it's worth it has held well. I do recommend inspecting the edges after the initial ironing to make sure you don't need a second round around the corners - those were tricky for me.
Overall very pleased, I'll continue to use it. It took about 1/6 of the pint to finish two 11x9x7 boxes.
Review by Steve Hansen
Works great when applied as directed. Makes alignment of panels a breeze. Good adhesion with an ordinary household iron in a flannel "sock". Apply adhesive to veneer sheet before cutting to size to keep edges clean, keeping in mind the time frame for best adhesion.
Review by Alex James
This is the best adhesive we have used to date. Very consistent and workable. Perfect for our students workibg with veneers for the first time. It is definitely worth every penny.
Review by Ed Lindsey
I live in the Sonora Valley where Better Bond Heat-Lock Glue makes hot weather veneering possible without worry of wrinkling. Summer open time tends to be about half of what is recommended. Adhesion is excellent too.
[Note from Joe: Heat does not affect drying time. It is ambient humidity that matters. A very dry environment will cause Heat Lock to set up faster. In many shops the air is very dry during the cold winter months because of the need for heating. In fact, a shop that is heavily heated but not humidified in the winter can be almost as dry as a desert environment.]
Review by Kenneth Richmond II
Great product. Great supplier. Five stars!. Choose Better Bond Heat lock for all you projects. It is by far the best glue for for the best bond.
Review by Daniel Fusco
This glue saved me big time on a project where we had to apply fabric onto an MDF center panel for a door. The contact cement would not work for this application because the fabric will never adhere straight. The heat lock glue worked perfectly for this and we were able to see exactly how the fabric laid out before we applied the heat from the iron for final installation.
Review by Dan Omalia
This product is so easy to use. Just roll it on let it dry and then iron it together. Clean up is a breeze and the finished project is bonded tight and with edges that are perfect. My order was shipped and received sooner than promised. The veneer glue roller is a must and I wish I had ordered the gallon size. This is a great product and highly recommend it!
Review by Rick Snider
This glue is an excellent product. It bonds well without any other tools or other supplies. As an amateur woodworker, I am very pleased with the results.
Review by Vince Yurak
We work with veneers every day and there's only one thing to say about this product. It is the best. Next to the veneer being pressed on your panel Heat Lock works better then contact cement. You have to get a veneer scraper from Joe to make sure the adhesion is at its max. Thanks for the same day shipping Joe.
Review by Doug Dupont
Really easy to use, even though it was my first time ever working with veneer. The only problem I had was when I didn’t wait long enough for it to dry and the veneer got stuck slightly off of where I wanted it. Which was totally my impatient fault. Great product!
Review by Igor Smirnov
Excellent product. Very easy to use. Better than what I used before. I recommend Heat Lock to everyone. I think you will like it!
Review by Larry Suchyta
Built a couple speaker boxes and needed a veneer glue for a non-vacuum application. Used a 3" woven roller to spread the glue on both substrate and veneer per the directions and when dry pressed the veneer on with a veneer roller followed with a medium hot iron. Very happy with the results. Bond was excellent and have nice tight edges and sharp corners. The glue line is barely visible. Started with a pint to experiment and ended up buying another gallon. I'll be using this on future non-vacuum projects.
Review by Steve Woodard
I use this glue extensively for paper backed as well as unbacked and I achieve great results on both. I recently used it on some extremely old walnut and cherry veneer which had been treated with the veneer softener product (See my "Magic Juice" review) and had great results even on that. It's easy to use, very little mess and is perfect for someone like myself who loves to work with veneer but must do so on a limited budget, I would highly recommend that you at least try it once. I think you'll be sold with just one application...and...uh... a new iron for the wife.
Review by Troy Harding
This product is quite different than any other glue I have used before. I wasn't quite sure about how dry to let it dry but it seems that dry means dry. I ironed the veneer on last night and all areas seem very secure.
Review by Anthony Frazier
This product is so much easier to work with than the other contact glues on the market. Plus it's very easy to clean up and you don't get a headache breathing the fumes. Instructions are very simple to follow and the results are awesome.Glad I found Joe’s website! I will definitely be coming back for all my veneering supplies, and probably check out some veneer as well.
Review by Calvin Mathes
I am a one man shop in Georgia and have order this product multiple times. With this product and the links to I have been able to take my design possibilities to the next level.
Review by Robert Murrell
I had a project putting oak veneer on horizontal and vertical beams and mistakenly ordered non-glued veneer. The beams were in place and it would have been nearly impossible to clamp the veneer while the glue dried. And using contact cement has always ended in disaster for me. I used a small trim paint roller with a very short nap to apply and even coat to both surfaces. And the glue is water soluble, so clean up was easy.
Review by Bruce Daigle
I have been using this product for over 3 years in multiple applications, I have used it with all veneers and backers. I have NEVER, EVER, not one single time experienced lift or bubble. I’ve used it on large surfaces with great success. I simply roll two coats with foam roller on each piece and iron on, I let it sit 1/2 hour before I trim. Allows me to build difficult shapes I can’t bag easy. Great product! Almost wanna keep it a secret!
Review by John Colligan
I used this product for the first time and on my first veneer project with great results. Joe was quick with any emails I had and I highly recommend this product especially for large panels and/or for people who don’t have vacuum equipment.
I’ll definitely be purchasing more!
Review by Gerge Hoffer
This worked great on the flat panels I did for a project. Quick and easy, excellent bond works as advertised. Highly recommended. Do get the glue roller. My shipment arrived well packed unfrozen although we had a cold snap 27 below zero. I took the freeze protection option. Joe maintains the most comprehensive and informative veneer site online that I have run across and a great product line. Answers emails in a timely manner, very helpful, knows his stuff. Thanks Joe. Keep it up.
Review by Bob Parker
Heat Lock has been used in my workshop for at least 5 years (not the same bottle of course). I love that its made in the USA!
I dont have a vacuum press yet but sometimes I think there is no reason to get a system because this glue does everything I need. I've done high end speakers, jewelry boxes, and a $4000 dining room table with Heat Lock. There are at least 50 projects out of my shop with Heat Lock and I have not had a single call back from a client. Follow the directions carefully and do test panel first to get the hang of it. Follow this advice and you won't go wrong. I will update this review again after my next shipment of Heat Lock is used up.
Review by Glen Armand
Have been using this product for 5 years. Great product and consistent quality every time.
Review by Michelle Brand
I had never used this product before but was looking for an alternative to using hide glue. It does exactly what I was hoping it to do, totally takes the stress out of a complicated veneer glue up. Shipment was super fast to Australia and the excess shipping costs I paid were refunded quickly. I would totally recommend this product to anyone who doesn't have access to a vac press or has an irregular shaped job to veneer. I would also recommend this company in general, they provide an outstanding level customer service.
Review by Geoff White
Rating: is a safe and honest website to deal with. I have ordered from them several times and the product has always been as described and delivered promptly. I have done several layups with this glue and it works as described; I am very pleased. Like other reviewers I bought the pint first and the gallon this time. I would recommend this site and this glue to a friend.
Review by James Gartner
Rating: has provided great service, extremely fast responses, and excellent customer service. They respond very quickly and truly make your order feel personal. I would recommend anyone looking for veneer supplies to check them out and give them a shot!
Review by Jim Fitzgerald
I love this glue. Just getting into doing some veneer work and I thought I would give it a try. Got the small bottle first and it worked so well I ordered a gallon. Thanks Joe!
Review by Ted Watson
Great product for my re-veneer project. Arrived safely, on time, and undamaged. I would recommend this product and the website to anyone who is interested in quality products. It was a pleasure working with Joe throughout the order process and I hope to buy more products from this supplier in the future, as my project list expands.
Review by Ed Brown
I'm just beginning to work with veneers. I tried this stuff and it works beautifully. I'm going to do a floor, so I made a sample with Heat-Lock and put it at the front door. I just followed the instructions and it was easy to work. With no urethane or other protection I've been walking on it for two weeks, and it's still solidly attached.
Review by Erik Metz
Thanks to Joe and his team for providing great products and the information necessary for your users. I was one of those that tried to glue veneer with traditional yellow glue using the same heat applied method with an iron. Not being satisfied with the process and results, I searched and found The information regarding Heat Lock and the directions convinced me to give Heat Lock a try. Wow, what a difference. My veneers look great and the product works awesome. I feel like a professional and I am just a beginner with using veneers.
Review by Bill Gentry
Great product...I create large veneered picture frames both for myself and for sale commercially and am always looking for veneer adhesive that's easy to use and that holds up with no issues years down the road...Heat Lock is a winner and the great service from Joe and all the folks at is world-class. Product is as described, arrived in great condition when it was promised. In a time where we're all expected to do business with websites and rely on customer service provided by a computer, it's great to know there are still some businesses run by great human beings out there !! I"m sending all my woodworking buddies to for their veneer needs.
Review by Gordon Hodson
We had an old kitchen table that was in sorry condition and decided it would be a fun "family" project to remove the old veneer and glue on a new sheet. I found the Heat Lock because it was mentioned on a woodworking forum where another user said it was great for repairs. We bought a gallon because I thought a pint would not be enough but a pint would have been enough for our table which was 3'x4'. The veneer we used was paper backed walnut that we also got from this company.
The preparation was the hardest part since we had to do a lot of coarse sanding to get the old veneer and glue layer removed. Applying the Heatlock glue and getting the veneer ready was easy and it just took a bit of time and effort to get the iron around the whole surface but for sure the bond is as strong as I could hope for. Now we just need to put polyurethane on top. Even though this website does not sell polyurethane, the owner of the website was very helpful in sharing his thoughts about applying the poly. I thought that was pretty cool of him and I am looking forward to finishing the project this weekend.
Review by Jim Philips
This Better Bond Heat Lock veneer glue arrived within just a few days of ordering and it works like a charm on small projects. It's not messy like hide glue can get and locks down veneer quickly. I have not had any problems with rolls or bubbles after application. This is an "iron-on" adhesive. I apply two layers to the veneer and substrate with a roller...let it dry for 30 minutes and iron away, then trim the edges. It is not suitable for all veneer applications, but this website does a superb job in identifying the adhesives best suited for your project. Good luck!
Review by Gary Hasty
I recently purchased a gallon of Heatlock Veneer adhesive. I have always used regular contact cement to veneer my speaker projects. I have been considering trying iron on veneering and decided that trying Heat Lock was the correct move. I found that the heat lock adhesive was really straight forward and pretty easy to apply,dry then iron. It is more forgiving than contact cement when you get it positioned wrong. I also found that I had a couple of loose edges after ironing a piece. In that case, I just opened the edge up some with a toothpick and applied some glue into the space. I removedd the toothpick, wiped off excess then ironed immediately. That sealed the couple of edge spots that I had that failed to get adequate glue on. As I said, much more forgiving than contact cement. I highly recommend this product.
Review by Matt Douthit
Performance exceeded my already high expectations. I used Heat Lock and paper-backed Ash veneer on a domed chest and I got perfect results. I had no prior veneer experience and everything went smoothly for me. Take your time, use a liberal amount of heat and you will have no problems. Really AWESOME product. Glue roller worked nicely also. My only regret is I bought a pint rather than a gallon.
Review by Josh A.
As a novice I approached the initial veneer projects with a bit of trepidation! Especially after a few failed attempts using yellow glue, I researched well the glue availability and found this site and Better Bond. After six months of using Better Bond Heat Lock I can attest to not only its convenience and ease of application, but to its holding power after a few months. It is fast and economical. For those instances where the vacuum press is not an option, I find I am using it more and more.
The products I have bought from this site have arrived in good condition, shipping is always fast and excellent follow up to questions about the use of the products.
Review by Jeff Maxim
After reading all the reviews, and a little suspicious they may have been written by the manufacturer, I can say Heat Lock lives up to its claims. I had to apply an emergency veneer on the face of a 9' wide curved-front reception desk. I had used 1/4" mahogany ply for the face, which I sanded through (!!!) and from now on I will forgo the ply with difficult corner miters and veneer with Heat Lock instead.
Tips I picked up:
- I poured then troweled out the glue (thick and viscous) with a 4" knife with 1/8" x 1/8" square knotches then rolled to proper thickness with Joe's roller (essential - get it).
- Wet day in dry Colorado and it took an hour to set up in a warm shop.
- Dry to the touch does not mean inactive. I set the veneer on the substrate and they stuck before ironing. Had to rip it off, sponge down built-up glue, wait for that to dry, and get a new piece of veneer. Bummer, but, the fact that I could salvage it is a plus for Heat Lock! Also I got a sense of the adhesion, which was strong.
I recommend putting a paper barrier (I used rolled paper masking) between veneer and substrate for registration and being careful to pull the paper well ahead of the iron. The bond felt solid and strong instantly. The glue did not gum up trimming tools. I'll be using the product from now on.
[Note from Joe: I would never (EVER!) write reviews for my own products.]
Review by John M
Does just as the name says. Near effortless. Nice tight seams and you can stain right after you have finished veneering. I went straight from bottle to substrate to roller. No waste.
Review by Rick Godfrey
HeatLock = great product! Much easier to work with and much stronger than contact cement. Read the tips section, apply 2 even coats like paint, iron hot enough you can't hold your hand onto the wood etc... I didn't use wood veneer in my projects much but I do now. Really like the results. Thank you Christine and Joe
Review by Michael Lange
I began using this product about 5 years ago. Since then I have not had a piece of face edging wood veneer on cabinets or shelving even hint of delaminating. Once you iron on your strip of face veneer it is there forever. It has also been a solution to small curved projects(up to perhaps 8 sq ft)which would not be able to stand the pressure of vacum. By the way I am a professional cabinet maker and have made my living as such since 1976. I strongly recommend you try this product, you will never use hotmelt iron on edging again!
Review by Randy Tahnu
I can't begin to explain how easy it was to use this glue. I admit to knowing very little about veneering and only bought this glue to try out with some old veneer I bought many, many years ago. It worked great on the first try. The panel was veneered and set into a small box I made for my wife. Overall, I think this is the best product for part time woodworkers. If I can make this product work, anyone can!
Review by Bob Joitfer
I'm so happy to write a review for Heatlock because Im so happy to have found a product that works exactly as it says it will. Im new to veneering and I didnt have the money or time to put into a vacuum press since I probably wont get a chance to veneer too many projects. I just wanted to veneer a small curved lid for a treasure chest that I built for my wife. I thought the veneering part of the project would be something I would regret but instead it was my favorite part.
I started by softening the veneer and then I followed the website instructions. The whole lid was completed in about 20 minutes and the project was varnished later that evening. The next day, my wife was all smiles as she ran her fingers across the veneered top which was birds eye maple. It was beautiful and Joe's Heatlock glue is what made it happen.
Highly, highly, highly recommended.
Review by Nolan Albrecht
Wow! After trying out a pint of this glue for a big project that I'm doing for a neighbor, I decided to buy two gallons. I know this is a new product for Joe to offer (I think he invented it) so I wanted to test it myself so I did a 5 panels, each 1 square foot. I tortured the bejesus out of each panel. I cooked one in the oven, drowned one in water, doused one with lacquer thinner, coated one with every chemical I could find in the shed, and the last panel I tortured with a chisel and my fingernail to see if I could pull the veneer off the panel. I consider this a most thorough test.
It passed! In fact it passed with flying colors. I couldn't get the veneer to come off the panel no matter what I tried. This is great stuff and I'm sure it will become a very popular product. Congrats to Joe for creating and offering a product that may change the way we all do veneer projects.
Nolan A
Review by Brad N.
Heat Lock does indeed work as described. I just used up my second pint of it and have had flawless panels after nearly every shot. Just for fun my wife scroll saws holiday ornaments and we decided to veneer a few boards before she takes them to the saw. We adhered birds eye maple to 1/2" thick solid walnut and the results were outstanding. VERY NICE PRODUCT!
Review by Auggie Jones
Worked perfectly on a desk top I did for my daughter. We used quilted makore and contact cement at first. Two days later - bubbles every where. Switched to this glue - perfection and the job is done! Now on to my next big project... veneered toy chests for the grand kids.
Review by David Nadolski
First time veneering a piece of non-adhesive backed veneer. Was a nice curley maple veneer on a hardwood substrate. Used veneer softner to first soften the wood, the applied heat-lock as instructions suggested...Great results, veneered the 23" diameter table top w/o a vacuum pump. Any unbonded areas...was able to reheat those sections and flatten with an iron. Great product.
Review by Michael Midiar
I bought this glue for a small project I was building for a friend. I didnt want to spend the time and money on a vacuum press so this glue seemed perfect. Some practicing was needed to learn the nuances of the glue but it didnt take long and I suspect most people would get a good job without any fuss. The nice part is that you can test the veneer (with water) and then just reheat any areas that didnt stick properly. Once the project was finished I decided to buy some extra veneer from Joe and made a few projects for myself. I'd recommend getting the glue roller that is offered on this site and some veneer softener too.
Review by D. Michael Korman
It works as advertised and saved me a bundle of money. I dont have a vacuum press and I can not justify the cost of a press when I only need 1 or 2 veneers each year. I used this glue on walnut burl and it took just a few minutes of ironing to get the veneer glued down to the board. I'm very happy with this product. It is expensive but worth it.
Review by Kevin Smee
Joe, I was a little apprehensive with my first veneering project (a snare drum shell) and couldn't have been happier with your products. I bought a quilted maple veneer and used the Heat Lock adhesive to attach it. I was a little skeptical to try a product that you use a clothing iron to activate, but boy did it work well. I couldn't justify a vacuum press and the Heat Lock adhesive bonded really well. The Snare drum is done now and has gotten rave reviews on two drumming forums for it's wild quilted maple figure. Your web site was full of helpful information that made this project a success. Thanks again, Kevin
Review by Al Wooley
I would like to make a big positive feedback for this product for paper backed veneer as well as using this Heat Lock for unbacked veneer as well.
We produce custom speaker cabinets on a low volume and hand crafted look is very important to us , we control the quality of our products and this glue works great.
The thickness of the glue seals the end grain of MDF very very good plus bending wrapping veneer around a speaker cabinet with a radius of 3/4" this glue bonds very good.
The big plus is no fumes and if you have to stop and walk away and come back to the job in a hr, just turn the iron back on and continue were you left off.
Well done in putting out a product that first time veneer users can feel at easy using.
Just apply. Let both the veneer and your speaker cabinet dry 100%.
Iron on.
Thanks again great product I see a lot of DIY speaker builders using this product.
Review by Gabe Smith
I'd like to add an additional 5 star review to the growing list on the BetterBond Heat-Lock. I veneered a set of 4 ft tall Adire 281's DIY speakers and the matching large center channel a few weeks ago. This is a great adhesive for a beginner who has never veneered or pro who needs a strong, quick and easy bond. I am really glad I found this glue. This stuff worked amazingly well.
I was reluctant to use contact cement because the largest pieces were 48"x18" and pretty unwieldy to handle. I've done a decent amount of woodworking but this was my first veneering project so I wanted a more forgiving glue. I was using a paperbacked Quartersawn Makore which is about $4/sq ft. Needless to say a messed up panel could get pretty expensive especially if I had to buy a new sheet. I started on the small panels following Joe's directions of using a glue roller (highly recommended) and taping down the veneer. I let the glue dry for about 20-30 minutes. The panels do not bond until you apply the iron then they STICK. I was very impressed with the bond. Once cooled the bond was good, once cured (3hrs) the bond was great. The large panels were no more complicated. I just needed more glue. The corners were also no problem. Just concentrate some more pressue from the iron on them. I trimmed with a razor knife
Again, buy the roller for any substantial veneering with this Heat-Lock. Keep the roller in a gallon size ziploc between panels.
The only thing I would change next time is to put it in a bottle for easier application. I globbed it on from the jug and it was a little hard to gauge how much and slightly messy but even then it was no big deal. Water clean up was a piece of cake. How bout an applicator nozzle for the gallon bottle Joe? Great product, thanks again!
(Follow up from Joe: That's a great idea. I will check into it.)
Review by Herbert Tolaurti
I'm more than thrilled with this glue. I did some panels over the weekend for a small box and they all turned out very nicely. I didnt follow the instructions on the first panel and had some troubles. I then emailed Joe about it and got a very quick and friendly response. After I followed Joe's instructions (which are clearly written on the instruction sheet that comes with the glue) I had no problems at all. The veneer was walnut burl and the substrate was plywood.
Again, I'm very satisfied with everything Joe provided.
Review by Jason Homohlai
My father (a professional cabinet maker) is not one to try new things so I bought him a gallon of Heatlock and first tried it out myself. Within a half hour I produced a panel to show him. For the rest of the afternoon, the panel sat on a shelf in plain sight of the workbenches in the shop where his shop helpers spent the day checking it out. After work, everyone in the shop had formed a circle around my workbench as I showed them how easy it was. Non of us got out of the shop until well after dinner time. We were busy using up a full gallon by the day's end.
So today, I'm ordering 5 more gallons. We are very excited to find a great glue like this. It really works well. Everyone a Sunhill Cabinetry will have a gallon to take keep at their bench.
Review by Joseph Billanowski
Finally, some one with the sense to offer a product that speaker builders can really use! I've built a couple dozen speakers over the last few years and have always found that the veneering part is the hardest to do. I've tried vacuum presses, weights, clamps, and every other means to veneer my boxes and there is always something that causes anguish (glue bubbles, lifted edges, etc).
BUT... this adhesive makes life much easier. I veneered a pair of decent size speakers over the weekend with outstanding results. The veneer was so much easier to manipulate and the surface was smooth and solid.
I highly recommend this to any DIY speaker building hobbyists.