Details about our layup visualization software for burl and crotch veneers.
The Match-Maker veneer layout software allows you to visualize the millions of patterns that can be created with two or four sheets of any burl, birds eye, swirl, or crotch grain veneer. We have seen some of the most amazing images in our veneers when using this program to determine the best way to book-match or quad-match sequential veneer sheets. Users have sent us Match-Maker results that have contained shapes of angels, animals, and several unusual creatures!
You will find the link to the Match-Maker program under the thumbnail image on the product details page of any burl, birds eye, swirl, or crotch grain veneer.
Step 1 (optional)
Advanced users can rotate the veneer image to select a highly specific area for layout. Simply enter the number of degrees to rotate the starting image. You can skip this step if you are new to using the Match-Maker software.
Step 2
Select the area to visualize by clicking anywhere on the image. Hold the mouse button down and drag the mouse to create and expand the selection area. Click on any side of the box to change the selection area. Avoid selecting any area outside of the veneer.
Step 3
A book match pattern requires two sequential sheets of veneer to make the layout shown by the Match-Maker software. A quad-match pattern requires four sequential sheets of veneer. Select a book-match pattern or a quad-match pattern.
When finished, simply click the "Match-Make It Now!" button to see what you can create with this veneer.
Your Match-Maker Results
The software will show you the first of four images representing layouts that can be made with the area you selected on the veneer. Click the left or right arrows to see the next picture in the set. You can zoom in on any of the images using the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page.
Each of the pictures in the set can be saved to your computer. Feel free to email us any interesting patterns you find!