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Kingwood Veneer

Kingwood VeneerKingwood is a genuinely beautiful species of rosewood. It has a remarkable luster partly due to it being one of the most dense of all rosewoods. The logs tend to be small so the veneer bundles are sometimes narrow. Though it's scarcity in recent decades had previously limited its use to inlay and marquetry, there have been logs large enough to generate veneers suitable for mid-size projects.

Common Name:
  Kingwood, Violetta (due to it's purple hue)
Scientific Name:
  Dalbergia caerensis
  Reddish brown or purple-like heartwood and pale yellow sapwood
  South America, Brazil
  Very hard
  Very uniform, fine grain
  Readily accepts stains and finishes
Did You Know:  

This species is said to have been named after King Louis XIV who requested its use on the royal furniture.

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Tip from Joe

I've found that cell phones and tablets display reasonably accurate colors of our veneer photos.
Rendering variations on some computer monitors can cause our pictures to appear different from the actual veneer.