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Koa Wood Veneer

cat-koa-curly.jpgKoa is a fast growing tree native to Hawaii and because of excessive harvesting, now comes largely from dead or dying trees on private land. The color and grain patterns in these wood veneers are beautiful, so it is easy to understand why it is considered one of the forest's most prized trees for gems. The koa tree ordinarily grows to 50 feet tall but larger specimens have been found!

Common Name:
  Hawaiian koa, Koai'a, Koai'e, Koa'oha, Acacia koa
Scientific Name:
  Acacia koa
  Gold to medium-brown, often with dark brown streaks
  North America (specifically Hawaii, Oahu, and Maui)
  Fine, open pore
  Readily accepts stains and finishes
More Info:
  Wikipedia has a great article where you can learn more about the koa tree.
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Tip from Joe

I've found that cell phones and tablets display reasonably accurate colors of our veneer photos.
Rendering variations on some computer monitors can cause our pictures to appear different from the actual veneer.