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Amboyna Burl Wood Veneer

Amboyna Burl VeneerThough straight grain Padauk is certainly a beautiful wood, it is the burl (called "Amboyna") that is the most sought after. Known for its interleaving colors of red, orange, brown and yellow, amboyna burl is unmistakably one of the forest's most valued species. Before a finish is applied, this veneer typically develops a white crystal-like formation on the surface. We have been unable to determine the origin or cause of this growth.

Some say it is a result of the minerals and/or sugars in the wood cells being displaced by air. Others claim the crystals to be a fungus. To remove the crystals, simply spray the veneer with denatured alcohol and wipe clean.

Common Names:
  Amboyna, Narra, Andaman Redwood, Maidou, Amboine, Padauk
Scientific Name:
  Pterocarpus indicus
  Brown to reddish with occasional orange colors, sapwood is yellowish
  Indonesia, South East Asia
  Primarily hard
  Medium texture with circular grain
  Readily accepts stains and finishes
Interesting Fact:
  Amboyna burl wood veneer is often used on automotive dashboards and was the first burl veneer to be offered in Rolls Royce automobiles.
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Tip from Joe

I've found that cell phones and tablets display reasonably accurate colors of our veneer photos.
Rendering variations on some computer monitors can cause our pictures to appear different from the actual veneer.