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Honduran Mahogany Wood Veneer

Honduras MahoganyThe name "mahogany" has become a somewhat generic term for any one of a handful of imported, fine grain, reddish-brown wood veneers. Genuine South American (Honduras) mahogany is more orange in tone as you can see in the pictures below. Unfortunately this species has been over-harvested and is considered by many to be commercially extinct. We were very fortunate to find these sheets. Get some while you can!

Common Name:
  Genuine Mahogany, Honduran Mahogany, Honduras Mahogany, Khaya
Scientific Name:
  Swietenia macrophylla
  Reddish Orange, Orange
  Mexico, Honduras, Brazil
  Medium to Hard
  Semi-smooth texture with clear grain
  Readily accepts stains and finishes

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Tip from Joe

I've found that cell phones and tablets display reasonably accurate colors of our veneer photos.
Rendering variations on some computer monitors can cause our pictures to appear different from the actual veneer.