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Bossé Cedar Wood Veneer

Bosse VeneerKnown for its aroma, which is very similar to Spanish cedar, Bossé  ('boss-say')can come in an array of grain types. Most of our Bossé wood veneer sheets have the highly sought-after quilted figuring. Very few veneers have this kind of chatoyance in the grain. The color is an excellent companion to a dark brown fine-grain veneer such as walnut.

Common Name:
  Bossé, African Cedar, Fragrant Mahogany
Scientific Name:
  Guarea cedrata or Guarea thompsonii
  Warm brown to orange and gold
  Africa: Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, Gold Coast, and Ivory Coast
  Semi-smooth texture with somewhat interlocked grain
  Readily accepts stains and finishes
Did You Know:  

Bossé is related to sapele. They are both part of the Meliaceae family. The bosse tree typically grows as high as 150 feet.

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Tip from Joe

I've found that cell phones and tablets display reasonably accurate colors of our veneer photos.
Rendering variations on some computer monitors can cause our pictures to appear different from the actual veneer.